The latest news from Philadelphia’s active transportation advocacy scene – and how you can get involved!

Why We’re Thankful: Bike Share

This blog is part of our year-end “Why We’re Thankful” series, highlighting the Bicycle Coalition’s—and your—accomplishments of 2014. Lots of cities around the world have bike share systems nowadays. Philadelphia does not. But in June, City Council approved a Bike...

TONIGHT: Velodrome Meeting in South Philly

The Parks and Recreation Commission will hear a presentation tonight regarding Project 250, a privately-funded project which would bring an Olympic-class velodrome on four acres of Franklin Delano Roosevelt Park along Broad Street in South Philadelphia. As noted in a...

Job Alert: Policy Coordinator

Take alert policy wonks: The Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia is looking for a new Policy Coordinator. The person in this position will coordinate the Biking in Philly campaign and Better Mobility 2015, with a particular emphasis on communicating the Bicycle...


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