The latest news from Philadelphia’s active transportation advocacy scene – and how you can get involved!

Want Roll-on Bikes on Amtrak? Read This Now

[UPDATED 3/5: Good things happen when activists like you pay attention and take action. The amendment passed the House! Read more here.] Members of the U.S House of Representatives are voting later today on an amendment that would standardize roll-on service for...

Pedestrian Plazas Make the Most of Excess Pavement

Philadelphia often makes media outlets’ lists—sometimes they say we’re unhealthy, sometimes it’s about our sports fans being jerks; but lately, it’s been mostly about the city’s resurgence as a destination for travelers. One of the reasons media outlets often give for...

Job: Better Bike Share Event Photographer

The Better Bike Share Partnership, a grant-funded initiative to increase access to and use of bike share in underserved communities, is looking for a photographer to photograph events from April-October 2015. In Philadelphia, the Bicycle Coalition is partnering with...


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