The latest news from Philadelphia’s active transportation advocacy scene – and how you can get involved!

January was a bad month for pedestrians

The last piece of New Year's confetti had barely landed on the floor when the news came in on January 1, 2017: A pedestrian had been hit by a motorist who immediately fled the scene before crashing into a fence. The pedestrian was killed. It was the first traffic...

Bring Back the Philly Cycling Classic

As was reported earlier this week, the Philadelphia International Cycling Classic was cancelled for 2017, leaving the future of the race in serious question. The race, well-known throughout the world for the unique “Manayunk Wall” climb, was a 12.3 mile circuit that...

What’s the Deal With e-Bikes?

You've probably seen them around town. Maybe you've heard them before one passes you in the bike lane. E-bikes have been gaining in popularity as cycling becomes more and more popular. But there's a lot people don't know about these strange looking machines. Now with...


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