The latest news from Philadelphia’s active transportation advocacy scene – and how you can get involved!

BCYC 2023 Fun Day and Scavenger Hunt

BCYC 2023 Fun Day and Scavenger Hunt

The Bicycle Coalition Youth Cycling Program finished the Spring Core Season with Fun Day and Scavenger Hunt on Saturday, June 10th.  Eight School Cycling Teams raced across the city to check-in at as many locations as possible on the scavenger hunt list.  Popular...

6th Cyclist Killed in Philadelphia in 5 months

6th Cyclist Killed in Philadelphia in 5 months

Sadly, we want to acknowledge and report on the death of the sixth cyclist killed in Philadelphia that occurred in late May.  We had hoped to report on his name, but the Police Department's Crash Investigative Division is still investigating the crash and has not yet...

Safe Streets Lobby Day 2023 – Recap

Safe Streets Lobby Day 2023 – Recap

Safe Streets Advocates took Amtrak from Philadelphia to Harrisburg on Tuesday, June 6th to ask state elected officials to support several bills to make Philadelphia and Pennsylvania roads and road users safe. We focused most attention on automated speed enforcement...

BCYC Crit Race Returns!

BCYC Crit Race Returns!

BCYC is excited to return to in-person events in 2023 including the BCYC Criterium Race at Hunting Park that took place May 20th.  Participants demonstrated their exceptional talent and unwavering determination.  Rain or shine, our BCYC community showed incredible...


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