The latest news from Philadelphia’s active transportation advocacy scene – and how you can get involved!

Vision Zero 2024: Main Room Plenaries

Vision Zero 2024: Main Room Plenaries

For the Vision Zero Conference we host two all conference plenary that take place at the beginning and end of the conference. This year our plenaries will focus on local and state legislative efforts to make our streets safer. The morning plenary is all about Traffic...

Take Action to Protect Access to E-Bikes in New Jersey

Take Action to Protect Access to E-Bikes in New Jersey

Take Action! In December we published a blog post that highlighted a bill that would require owners of low-speed e-bikes and e-scooters to buy liability insurance and register their personal conveyance with the Motor Vehicle Commission. That bill was re-introduced in...

Vision Zero PHL 2024 sessions announced!

Vision Zero PHL 2024 sessions announced!

So much has changed in Philadelphia since the first Vision Zero PHL conference 10 years ago, and this year's theme, "Vision Zero at a Crossroads", brings current challenges into sharper focus. As traffic fatalities across the country have been on the rise,...

Our Comments for the I-95 South Philadelphia Plan

Our Comments for the I-95 South Philadelphia Plan

There has been a lot of talk on how out of touch PennDOT's initial vision for I-95 (a.k.a. I-95 CSP or I-95 section B) between Market Street and FDR Park since Inga Saffron published this article critiquing the preliminary design and the multiple options that were...


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