The latest news from Philadelphia’s active transportation advocacy scene – and how you can get involved!

Wenonah, NJ’s Socially Distanced Holiday Lights Ride

Wenonah, NJ’s Socially Distanced Holiday Lights Ride

On December 21st, Bike Gloucester County, a Bicycle Coalition Affiliate Group, hosted their second annual holiday lights ride in Wenonah, NJ, with social distancing in mind. Due to the challenges of hosting a social ride event in 2020, Rebecca Kreck, who planned last...

Our New Guide for Accessing MLK Drive

Our New Guide for Accessing MLK Drive

A newly updated version of our Regional Bike Network map is now available on our Bicycle Maps page. The Regional Bike map is a comprehensive resource of bike infrastructure in the Greater Philadelphia Region and beyond. New updates have been applied to Bike Amenities...

Here are 20 Things We Did This Year

Here are 20 Things We Did This Year

Despite everything -- like, really, everything -- 2020 has been a year with accomplishments for the Bicycle Coalition and our supporters. From hosting our fifth Vision Zero Conference at Temple University; to working to get Martin Luther King Jr. Drive open to people;...


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