The latest news from Philadelphia’s active transportation advocacy scene – and how you can get involved!

So, How Did #UnblockBikeLanes Work Out?

You tweeted, we listened. In November 2013, after beginning a dialogue with the Philadelphia Parking Authority about illegal vehicle parking in city bike lanes, we suggested the PPA embark on a social media campaign to hear citizen complaints directly. In December,...

Why We’re Thankful: Vision Zero

This blog is part of our year-end “Why We’re Thankful” series, highlighting the Bicycle Coalition’s—and your—accomplishments of 2014. Part of the reason we advocate for bicycle infrastructure is to keep everyone safe on the road—bicyclists, pedestrians and drivers. We...

Man On A Bicycle Struck And Killed Near West Chester

A man on a bicycle was struck and killed by a driver of a trash truck around 10AM Christmas Eve on the 700 Block of East Market St in West Goshen Township near the West Chester border. West Goshen Police have not published details of the crash or the name of the...


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