The latest news from Philadelphia’s active transportation advocacy scene – and how you can get involved!

National Bike Summit Goes Big in 2015

Transportation equity, Vision Zero, retrofitting the suburbs. These are some of the big ideas that will propel bicycling in 2015 and beyond -- and that all who attend will delve into at the National Bike Summit, March 10-12 in Washington, D.C. With a theme of Bikes+,...

Jobs: Bike Share Ambassadors! Street Team!

The Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia has five paid positions available for enthusiastic folks who want to help make a difference in their community. Those positions—three Bike Share Ambassadors and a Street Team Leader and Street Team members—are part-time...

Avoid Getting Your Bike Stolen Like This

Police recently released video of a man in the Bella Vista section of Philadelphia stealing four -- four! -- bikes in one night. First brought to our attention by Philadelphia magazine, the video shows the white man, described as between 20 and 30 years old and about...


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