The latest news from Philadelphia’s active transportation advocacy scene – and how you can get involved!

WATCH: The Philadelphia (Bike) Story

We know you know, but we’re going to say it again: Philadelphia is the most-biked big city in the United States. And now that Indego Bike Share has successfully taken off, even more Philadelphians are being introduced to our favorite mode of transportation. Well,...

The Philadelphia Ride of Silence is May 20

This 2015 Ride of Silence is scheduled to take place Wednesday, May 20th at 6:45pm. The purposes of this silent ride are to honor cyclists killed/injured in motor vehicle related accidents and to raise awareness about the rights of cyclists to ride the roads....

Introducing PhillyVotes2015.BIKE

Philly is holding local elections on May 19, 2015. That's less than two weeks from now. Earlier this year, the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia and partner organizations around the city and state got together to host a mayoral forum to discuss bicycle,...

JOBS: Want to Be a Bike Share Ambassador?

The Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia is working as part of the Better Bike Share Partnership. Philadelphia launched bike share on April 23 and the Better Bike Share Partnership is working to address various barriers to membership and ensure representation for...


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