The latest news from Philadelphia’s active transportation advocacy scene – and how you can get involved!

Philly Free Streets A Success

Thousands of Philadelphians came out for Philly Free Streets on Saturday, September 24. It was an event in which the city opened up about 10 miles of its streets, from Front and South to West Fairmount Park, to people instead of cars. The event went from 8am-1pm and...

3 Great Bike Events Thursday

There are three bicycle events later this evening, and we encourage you to try to get to at least one of them. Bicycle Coalition Happy Hour The Bicycle Coalition and Drinker’s Pub in Rittenhouse are hosting a “Give Back” Happy Hour, in which 20 percent of all proceeds...

Gala Spotlight: Pat Cunnane

From a 12-year-old sweeping floors and fixing flats in his neighborhood bike shop to a CEO manufacturing bicycles raced in the Tour de France, Pat Cunnane’s knowledge and love of cycling is ingrained in his DNA. While Cunnane does change a flat now and then, his...


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