The latest news from Philadelphia’s active transportation advocacy scene – and how you can get involved!

Bike Light Giveaway: TONIGHT

The Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia will host its annual Bike Light Giveaway TONIGHT at two South Philadelphia locations. The Giveaway—sponsored by Councilpeople Kenyatta Johnson and Mark Squilla, who respectively represent the west and east ends of South...

Bike Light Giveaway is Monday in South Philly

Our yearly Bike Light Giveaway is Monday, November 7, in South Philadelphia. Each year, the Bicycle Coalition gives out bike lights to those cyclists who do not have any to light their way at night—which is especially important now that Daylight Savings will come to...

Center City Bike Mode Share at 7.2 Percent

Last month the US Census Bureau released most of the results of the 2015 American Community Survey Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA). The Census Bureau divides the Country into these 3,000 super-sized Census Tracts with an average population of approximately 150,000...

Whistling Through the Graveyard

Now that the Pencoyd Bridge has opened to cyclists, you might want to whistle through West Laurel Hill Cemetery rather than past it, as you wind your way to the Cynwyd Heritage Trail. Now an integrated part of the Circuit Trail system, this historic cemetery features...


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