A visual from the city’s Vision Zero Draft Action Plan
After Peter Javsicas was killed by an out of control driver on JFK Boulevard on Tuesday, the Bicycle Coalition began an email campaign calling upon Council President Darrell Clarke to enact the traffic calming measures recommended for JFK and Market Street in Center City.
Hundreds of you have made your opinion known. And on Thursday, Clarke introduced a resolution calling for hearings on Vision Zero, and honoring Javsicas.
The resolution is proof the campaign is working.
But we can’t stop now.
If you haven’t yet, make sure to send a message to Clarke and his staff using our online tool, telling them the recommendations for JFK and Market, available here, need to be enacted.
The resolution is pasted below.
Authorizing Council’s Committee on Streets and Services to hold public hearings examining the implementation of Vision Zero in the City of Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, 101 people died in vehicular crashes in Philadelphia last year and 26 people, including two children, have lost their lives due to city traffic violence in 2017; and
WHEREAS, Peter Javsicas of West Mount Airy, was a well known and respected advocate on transportation and safety issues fell victim to an out of control vehicle that jumped the curb hit a newsstand that in turn struck Mr. JavsicaS at the corner of JFK Boulevard at 16th Street; and
WHEREAS, In 2016, pedestrians accounted for 15% of all traffic deaths nationwide, however, in Philadelphia, nearly half of all traffic deaths were pedestrians — 47% pedestrians and 53% bicyclists — for the same time period; and
WHEREAS, Vision Zero was successfully started in Sweden in the late 1990’s to reduce roadway deaths, severe injuries and total number of crashes. In a six-year span the country reduced crashes by 44%. Other Cities in Europe have noticed dramatic results after implementing this thoughtful life saving strategy. New York City, Boston, Chicago, Los Angles, San Francisco, Fort Lauderdale, Seattle and San Diego and more than two dozen other U.S. cities have also embraced Vision Zero; and
WHEREAS, In the fall of 2016 Mayor Kenney issued an Executive Order committing Philadelphia to eliminate traffic deaths by 2030 and hiring the city’s first Director of Complete Streets; and
WHEREAS, The City of Philadelphia needs to examine six component parts for successful implementation of Vision Zero: Engineering, Evaluation and Data, Education and Engagement, Traffic Safety Enforcement, Fleet Management, and Policy; and
WHEREAS, The City of Philadelphia is committed to saving lives, make our neighborhoods choice neighborhoods for all citizens; and
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That the Committee on Streets and Services is hereby authorized to hold public hearings regarding the implementation of Vision Zero in the City of Philadelphia and to identify potential policy changes to reduce crashes and improve safety for all citizens.
Please make philadelphia safer for bikers. Cars are our past; bicycles, as part of a comprehensive multi-modal transportation system, are the future.
I got a response from Corey Bell, who said he’s getting a lot of emails from the online tool. It was a nice response, but encouraged me to send a more “personalized” message. He also said we could contact at large members. Below is his message:
“Also, since you’re outside of the 5th council district boundaries, you may be able to boost your message by e-mailing these at-large council members:
Allan Domb: alan.domb@phila.gov
Derek Green: Derek.green@phila.gov
Bill Greenlee: bill.greenlee@phila.gov
Helen Gym: Helen.gym@phila.gov
Blondell Reynolds Brown: blondell.reynolds.borwn@phila.gov
Al Taubenberger: al.taubenberger@phila.gov
And it will go even further if you craft an original personal message; I’ve received the same form letter from everyone.”
Thanks BCGP!