Bicycle Coalition

This month is an exciting one for Women Bike PHL (WBPHL)!

Here’s what’s happened recently, and what’s coming up.

(1) Free financial empowerment workshop this month: As part of the BCGP’s monthly Supporter Social series, The Women Bike PHL community (those identifying as women, trans, and/or non-binary in the Greater Philadelphia region) are invited to join us at Janney Montgomery Scott‘s headquarters to learn how to “Shift your Finances into Gear.” Janney will be hosting a workshop on Financial Planning Strategies and the psychology of investing. More topics will be included as more registrants fill out their greatest areas of interest. Beverages and light food will be provided. Please RSVP by Wednesday, February 21st, 2018.

(2) WBPHL Urban Riding Basics (URB) classes announced: Do you want to get on a bike but need a confidence boost? Do you need a refresher before trying city cycling? URB classes teach all levels of cyclists how to be responsible, predictable, and visible and covers topics such as bicycle laws and rules of the road, tips for avoiding hazards, route selection, and cycling gear. Our first class specifically for the Women Bike PHL community is February 20th; RSVP here. For the complete schedule, check the Bicycle Coalition’s calendar. Thank you, Piscitello Law, for sponsoring this series!

(3) Welcome to WBPHL’s Facebook Moderators! After a group session moderated by AORTA Co-op with past and current leaders in the community, we announced new guidelines for the 4,000+ member Facebook group. We recruited volunteer moderators to help us maintain the group, implement the new guidelines, and keep it a positive community resource. We’re excited to introduce the all-star cohort of moderators who are volunteering their time with the Women Bike PHL Facebook group:

Bicycle Coalition

Meet Tomika, who shares why she applied to be a Women Bike PHL moderator: “I started biking as a way to deal with the stress of breast cancer and grew to love it. As an online influencer, I am very active on FB and love sharing stories, tips etc.”







Bicycle Coalition

Tomfia is also joining the new group of moderators. They are invested in this role because they appreciate the community of bikers in the Facebook group.






Bicycle Coalition

Tabatha is a proud Philly transplant who moved here from Pittsburgh 15 years ago and never looked back. She’s a newlywed with a rescued Jack Russell terrier that has special needs. Tabatha is a bike commuter, but also bikes to clear her head, and to bond with her dog, watching him run alongside her bike! Tabatha loves traveling in foreign cities, and takes every opportunity she can to learn about bike culture when she’s abroad.




Bicycle Coalition

Kusuma has been in Philadelphia since 2001 and never really left. She loves living in the city because there is always something to do and there is a true community feel here. She has a passion for public health and nutrition and works with a grant involved in nutrition education in K-Adults populations. When Kusuma is not at work, she enjoys spending time at home with her 8 going on 18 year old daughter, fiancee and two pups Daisy and Rose (A black lab and a Chorkie).







Bicycle Coalition

Geena hopes “to support and integrate under represented and under serviced people in their pursuit of bike excellence” by being a moderator. They are a dark beer drinker and lover of one amazing wiggly pitbull.

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