The Delaware River Waterfront Corporation is undertaking a Waterfront Transit Study to look at short-term recommendations for improving transit to/from and along the waterfront.
As part of the study, they’re conducting an online survey which we recommend you take. They’ve told us they’re hoping to hear from people who come to the waterfront and who don’t, and people who take transit to get here or who don’t. “Basically,” they said, “we want to hear from everyone.”
They added: “Our hope is to get as many responses from across the city as possible and from as diverse a cross-section of people as possible since a key focus of this study is improve cross-town transit connections to the waterfront.”
Please take the survey, and share it with your friends. There is a Spanish language version of the survey, linked on the survey’s intro page.
Check out the survey below:
Link to DRWC website with more information about the study and survey.
Having dedicated bike/walker lanes along the waterfront would be awesome! It would cut down on congestion (pollution) along Columbus boulevard and encourage people traveling from outside or the city or different parts of the city to travel by bike.