by John Boyle | Jul 18, 2014 | Biking the Suburbs, The Circuit
If you live in Camden County, the county is requesting your input on their newly-released bike and trail plan. The Camden County Division of Planning has posted a draft of its Bicycle and Multi-Use Trails Master Plan, and is requesting public comment via phone or... by John Boyle | Jul 2, 2014 | Biking in Philly, Biking the Suburbs, The Circuit
Part of our job is to demonstrate the widespread public support for better trails in our region. We can present all sorts of funding plans and trail route studies, but it is loud public exclamations of support that make things happen. So a big thank you to the 237... by Bicycle Coalition | Feb 18, 2014 | Featured
New Jersey has some terrific trails, both part of The Circuit and outside our region’s dominant trail system. These trails have been bolstered by $1 million a year in trail funding provided by federal transportation dollars. Right now, however, New Jersey is...