The latest news from Philadelphia’s active transportation advocacy scene – and how you can get involved!

Families for Safe Streets Lays Out 2020 Agenda

Families for Safe Streets Lays Out 2020 Agenda

Families for Safe Streets Greater Philadelphia (FSSGP), an organization made up of families who’ve been affected by traffic violence in the Delaware Valley Region, recently held their first meeting of the year, where they discussed 2020 priorities, and expanding the...

DRPA to Re-Install 5th Street Tunnel Posts in March

DRPA to Re-Install 5th Street Tunnel Posts in March

The Delaware River Port Authority has confirmed with the Bicycle Coalition that they will be re-installing the 5th Street Tunnel flex posts on March 15th. The flex posts, which were first installed in 2016, have been seasonal for the past three years, with the DRPA...


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