Market Street slated for multimodal transportation safety improvements.
Governor Tom Wolf recently announced area projects selected by PennDOT for funding through the Multimodal Transportation fund. Application deadlines for DCED/ CFA Multimodal funds have also been extended with grant application submission deadlines quickly approaching. Here is a list of notable area projects and upcoming deadlines!
2020 PennDot Multimodal Area Grants
Chester County
- West Whiteland Township was awarded $940,000 to create a couplet for Ship Road at the intersection of US 30 BUS. The present location of Ship Road will become northbound only, and this project will construct a southbound leg, as well as a ten-foot wide multimodal trail.
Philadelphia County
- The City of Philadelphia was awarded $2.7 million to construct multimodal transportation safety improvements along Market Street from 2nd to 6th Street. This is an outgrowth of Old City District’s Vision 2026 Plan.
- The Delaware River City Corporation was awarded $1.4 million to support the construction of trail and road access to the new 10-acre Bridesburg Riverfront Park as it connects to the Delaware Avenue Extension, a multi-use road, and bicycle pathway. The Bridesburg park space will connect to the 11-mile stretch of trails and parks along the Delaware River.
More PA news on the Governor’s announcement of awarded projects can be found here.
Applications for the DCED/CFA Multimodal fund are open now!
Multimodal Transportation Fund
Multimodal Transportation Fund grants up to $3,000,000 are available for projects with a total cost of $100,000 or more. Funds may be used for the development, rehabilitation and enhancement of transportation assets to existing communities, streetscape, lighting, sidewalk enhancement, pedestrian safety, connectivity of transportation assets and transit-oriented development. Submissions are due September 30, 2020.
Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program (GTRP)
The GTRP program provides grant funds of up to $250,000 for project planning, acquisition, development and rehabilitation and repair of greenways, recreational trails, open space, parks and beautification projects. Submissions are due July 31, 2020.