In 2017, Bicycle Coalition supporters and members told the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission to set aside funding dedicated for Circuit Trails in the 2018 New Jersey Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The NJ Counties of the DVRPC heard you loud and clear: They set aside $1 million of federal Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Funds (CMAQ) for construction‐ready Circuit Trail projects.
The results exceeded our expectations. In 2018, the DVRPC doubled down on their commitment and awarded $2 Million in construction money from CMAQ for two projects: The final section of the Gloucester Township Health and Fitness Trail and the Maidenhead Meadows Trail, one of the final missing links in the Lawrence Hopewell Trail.
There are 61 miles of trails that are poised to be constructed in Mercer, Burlington, Camden and Gloucester County. But, many of them need funding. Please urge the DVRPC Board to make more funding available in the next 2020 New Jersey Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
We are asking that they do the same for the 2020 NJ TIP.
The NJ Counties in the DVRPC Region should set aside at least $1 million of the FY2020 Competitive CMAQ Program for construction‐ready for Circuit Trail projects. Please urge DVRPC to set aside new funding for Circuit Trails.