Construction happening on the 5th Street Tunnel today.
The 5th Street Tunnel has long been both a really fun, and really scary, route for cyclists—and that’s about to change a little. After more than a year of meetings and planning, the 5th Street Tunnel’s bike lane will be protected with delineator posts after it opens later this week.
How the project got done is an testament to why our supporters, friends, and volunteers are so important.
Construction on 5th Street Tunnel was about to start, and a protected bike lane has long been a goal of Philly’s bicycling community.
So, after speaking with our friends on social media, including Sara Hirschler, Bicycle Coalition research director John Boyle got in touch with the Streets Department and the Delaware River Port Authority, which is in charge of the tunnel while the Streets Dept. manages the road surface.
At a meeting between our organizations, and in additional conversations with the Streets Department and the DRPA, we suggested Streets install a buffered bike lane with bollards to better separate bicycles from motor vehicles using the tunnel.
A public meeting was held. Both Boyle and Hirschler spoke out for a protected bike lane in the tunnel.
We were later informed that the Streets Department, DRPA and Mayor’s Office of Transportation and Utilities were all thinking the same thing.
And here we are. Next time you ride through the 5th Street Tunnel, there will be delineator posts between you and the motor vehicle to your left.
BOOM! This is awesome.
Shows what good people can do when they work together. Everybody wins!
Thanks so much! I always loved riding north through the tunnel, but always felt unsafe, as it’s dark. Now it will be fun and safe . . . what a great combo!