Feeling frustrated that there is so much traffic violence?  Take action today and show up this weekend!

The Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia and Families for Safe Streets Greater Philadelphia have been working hard to both bring attention to the issue and to push for common sense solutions to make roads safe for everyone.

Here’s what you can do today and this weekend:

1. Send an email to your state senator and others in House and Senate leadership.

The Senate is likely to take a critical vote tomorrow on a bill that will keep the automated speed enforcement program on Roosevelt Boulevard alive and possibly make it permanent and expanded.  We need to raise our voices in favor of expanding automated speed enforcement to other dangerous roads in Philadelphia.   This issue is under intense debate and it is important for key Senators and House members to hear that you want automated enforcement to be expanded to cover all dangerous roads in Philadelphia.  Take a few minutes to please send an email today before tomorrow’s vote.

2. Come to the World Day of Remembrance event on Sunday, November 19th at 1pm.

Families of traffic crash victims and street safety advocates will gather at the Lil’ Safety Village in Hunting Park to commemorate World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims and to call for renewed attention to proven safe design and enforcement to end traffic fatalities. We have invited state elected officials, members of the press and other leaders to speak at this event.   Details here.

3. Join the Ride for Kevin and other cyclists to the World Day of Remembrance event on November 19th at 11am. 

We are hosting a memorial bike ride for Kevin Saint Clair and the nine other cyclists whose lives were lost to traffic violence this year. We will bike as a group from Salvatore Pachella Field (6839 Henry Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19128) to the Lil’ Philly Safety Village in Hunting Park, where riders will converge on the World Day of Remembrance gathering. This will be a slow-paced group ride.  Please make sure to bring a helmet and any other safety gear you may need.  We ask all riders to register and sign a waiver.



The Bicycle Coalition leads the movement to make every ride safe, to empower youth and adults to ride, and to foster a ridership that reflects the diversity of the region. Our year-round advocacy and education work is made possible by the generous support of individuals who share that mission—we thank our Members and invite you to join us in making everyone’s ride better. https://bicyclecoalition.secure.nonprofitsoapbox.com/donate
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