The Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia is dedicated to advocating for the highest quality bike lanes, but given the extreme paving backlog the city faces, as well as a lack of adequate funding to the Streets Department to implement their plans, some of Philadelphia’s infrastructure has faded over time.
Over the last few months, we’ve been updating our standard bike lane map to show where bike lanes have faded due to motor vehicles drifting-into-the-lane wear-and-tear.
On the map below, you can see that all bike lanes are marked red. The faded lanes we have observed in that time have been marked pink.
And now, we’re looking for help. If you come across faded bike lanes and have the time, please take a picture and send them to us. You can include the street with the faded lanes, and how far they stretch. Send them over in the following format, with a picture and we’ll update our map.
Example: 22nd Street: South Street to Summer Street.
You can send those examples to
Identifying these faded lanes lets us provide the safest possible routes for Philly cyclists, and helps us bring these problem lanes to city government when we request new paint refreshment and upgrades.
48th Street: Spruce to Lancaster