Erosion at the trail junction with Tamanend Park
If you have wandered on to the new section of the Pennypack Trail north of the Byberry Trailhead you have encountered the gate locked shut at County Line Road in spite of the fact that PENNDOT has installed an excellent pedestrian crossing.
The gate is shut because Bucks County officials have postponed the opening of the Newtown Rail Trail. The County updated the neighbors with this letter:
The County has been working with our engineering firm, and the construction company, to determine the cause of the erosion, and to identify solutions for addressing these issues. The primary source of the erosion is due to heavier than anticipated stormwater runoff, some of which can be attributed to runoff from some adjacent properties.
The County will be addressing the erosion issue via the implementation of additional stormwater management techniques to reduce the amount of stormwater runoff coming onto the trail. In addition to the implementation of stormwater management best practices, the County is looking into the option of paving portions of the trail, as well as binding the existing materials together with an environmentally safe product. It is anticipated that these improvements will mitigate the issues described above and allow us to officially open the trail.
Like every other trail construction project, the signs have not deterred people from using the trail.
The trail is officially closed and being on it could get you into trouble. The County affirms that they want the trail to be opened as soon as possible and they are actively seeking solutions to fix the erosion problem.