In late August, the City of Philadelphia applied for the renewal of our designation as a Bicycle Friendly community, which is certified through the League of American Bicyclists. Five years ago, the City applied for, and received, a Silver level designation. The League requires municipalities to renew their designation every 5 years.
The League of American Bicyclists, is offering a new feature as part of this renewal process, which is a community survey component.
The designation received five years ago, as a Silver Bicycle Friendly Community, positions the City well when it applies for infrastructure funding. But the League wants to know what you think of Philadelphia’s infrastructure now. What needs to be changed? What should be improved?
The Bicycle Coalition has our own opinions on this, but the City and League of American Bicyclists want to hear from you.
Please take the survey below, and share with a wide audience.
The surveys will close on Thursday, September 15, at Midnight Pacific Time.