Last fall, in an effort to better understand the condition of bicycle infrastructure across the city, we asked our members and supporters to email us pictures of faded pavement markings.

Based on nearly three dozen responses, we mapped streets with pavement markings in need of “refreshing”–available on our “Bike Maps” page. It was extremely helpful.

Those streets were shared with the Office of Transportation & Infrastructure Systems as they coordinated with the Streets Department unit to do street refreshing during the 2017 season (which is currently going on.)

The Bicycle Coalition wants to continue gathering data on the status of pavement markings around the City so we can

1) Continually share this information with Streets, and

2) Provide all people who ride a bicycle in Philadelphia with the safest routes possible.

In order to verify reports of faded pavement markings and identify new stretches of roadway in need of refreshing, we have created a map which combs Twitter looking for photos tagged #fadedPHL.

By tweeting a picture of faded bicycle infrastructure tagged with the hashtag #fadedPHL and sharing the location via geotagging, your photo will automatically appear on our map and we will be able to update the status of the pavement markings for that street segment.


  1. See a faded bike lane
  2. Take a geotagged picture (Most mobile phones enable this by default, but you may want to verify that location services are enabled for your camera app.)
  3. Compose a #fadedPHL tweet with the picture.
  4. Share the location of the picture. To do this, click the location icon and choose “share the precise location,” which will include the coordinates of the photo.
  5. Tweet it!

Bicycle Coalition

Bicycle Coalition


We appreciate your efforts to help document the status of Philadelphia’s roadways. Your reports are invaluable to making Philadelphia’s streets safer for all users.

-Kyle Hearing

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