2018 Bike Counts Coordinator Erin Gordon counting bikes on the Ben Franklin Bridge.
It’s that time of year again! Time for Bike Counts.
Our annual Bike Counts are critical to demonstrate the growth of our cycling community and support the Bicycle Coalition’s ongoing efforts to advocate for safer streets.
Over a period of 8 weeks, beginning on Tuesday 9/3, we need to complete more than eighty (80) of these 90-minute counts.
You can help by volunteering to count a weekday morning (7:30-9:00 AM) or afternoon (4:30-6:00 PM) time slot at the intersection of your choice and count cyclists as they pass. Are they wearing helmets? How many are riding Indego bikes? Are they riding with traffic or against it?
Hey there BCGP,
I would love to count bikes again. Let me know how and when I can get started. I know I’ve counted before.
Thanks in advance and hope to hear from you.
John Litzke Jr.