They’re at it again.

Members of Congress trying to severely cut or eliminate money for walking and biking by introducing amendments to the pending transportation bill — known as the DRIVE Act.

Representatives Carter of Georgia and Yoho of Florida have introduced 3 anti bicycle and pedestrian amendments. Mr. Carter’s  amendment #68 allows metropolitan planning organizations to divert 100% of transportation alternative program funds to other projects while amendment #69 repeals the Recreational Trails Program.  Mr. Yoho’s amendment #158 would prohibit any federal funds from building recreational trails.

Congress may take up the amendments later this week.

The league of American Bicyclists have set up an Action Alert page to contact your congressional Representative. Tell him or her to support bicycling and walking by voting no on amendments 68, 69 and 158.

Amendment #69 - Elimination of Rec Trails Funding






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