By Kyle Hearing

Though we are still collecting data on what cyclists think about the West Chestnut Street protected bike lane, the feedback so far from the online survey has been overwhelmingly positive. The vast majority of bicyclists have told us that they feel safer riding along this stretch of Chestnut Street than they do on most streets in Philadelphia and believe that the lane clearly separates pedestrians, bicyclists, and cars.

While we are excited to hear that many think the lane is safe and effective, we want to remind all bicyclists that it is critical to prioritize the safety of pedestrians while using the lane. Pedestrians are the most vulnerable road users and it is incumbent upon bicyclists, as fellow vulnerable users, to be aware of their presence and cede the right-of-way.

Bicycle Coalition

Sarah Clark Stuart talks to a bicyclist at 34th and Chestnut about the new protected bike lane.

This morning, our Executive Director, Sarah Clark Stuart, was at the intersection of 34th and Chestnut talking to bicyclists about the lane, asking them to take our survey, and reminding them to Bike Nice. We will be out again next week so if you see her or any other Bicycle Coalition staffers or volunteers, be sure to stop by and say hi.


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