The Zoning Board of Adjustment recently ruled against a proposed “super Wawa” gas station on Columbus Boulevard, ending a years-long debate over a proposal which would have created a ridiculous and fairly ironic obstacle along the proposed Delaware River bicycle and pedestrian trail.
The Wawa potential gas station was proposed for Tasker Street and South Columbus Boulevard in the Pennsport section of the city. That proposal was finally rejected this week by the city’s Zoning Board of Adjustment.
The Super Wawa project violated the Master Plan for the Central Delaware and would have harmed the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation’s work building walkable/bikeable streets to access the River and the Delaware River Trail. But that didn’t matter, apparently, to the developer, whose fight for a new gas station continued up until this week.
The Delaware River Waterfront Corporation called the ZBA’s decision, “a win for all who deserve safe pedestrian access,” and we agree. If you’ll recall, we’ve been taking action against this gas station since the project was first announced, and helped citizens voice opposition to the project back in 2018 and 2019.