As a member of the Circuit Trails Coalition, the Bicycle Coalition is working with its partners to strategically advance the network by promoting the Circuit to new constituencies and building support for the development of trails throughout the region. In addition to reaching the Circuit Coalition’s campaign goal of 500 miles by 2025, we’ve developed a map analysis that identifies low-stress routes that connect to the Circuit Trails and require on-road safety improvements so that they’re accessible and comfortable for all ages and abilities.

The Connecting Communities map analysis has identified locations that are in close proximity to the Schuylkill River Trail in Pennsylvania and the Delaware River Heritage Trail in New Jersey. The purpose of the analysis is to identify low-stress routes with the community and to provide technical assistance for those who are interested in working toward on-road improvements to reach the Circuit safely in their neighborhood. The analysis shows a variety of differences in each location due to the landscape, data from DVRPC’s Bicycle LTS & Connectivity Analysis and status of trail development in the area. The locations include Pottstown and Norristown in PA and Trenton and Willingboro in NJ. An presentation on the map analysis can be accessed here or viewed below.

What’s next? The Bicycle Coalition is working with members of the Circuit Trails Coalition to connect with residents in the locations that have been identified for this project. Next steps include engaging with each community by reviewing potential opportunities to improve on-road accessibility to reach the Circuit safely in their neighborhood. Are you interested in learning more about connecting your community to the Circuit Trails? You can contact me at to get involved.

Special thanks to Keon Parsa, a student at Haverford College who interned with us in the spring and assisted with the early development of this project.

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