We don’t usually share news stories and videos about us on this blog, but a new article and video from local news outlet Billy Penn has covered the Martin Luther King Jr. Drive situation in a way that few other outlets have.

As some background, after being open to people for the past 17 months, MLK Jr. Drive brought cars back, Monday through Friday, on August 4th. As those who’ve used MLK Jr. Drive and followed the situation know, there was a huge debate as to what the future of the road should look like.

The news outlet Billy Penn produced a 5-minute video explaining that situation and spoke to the key stakeholders to let viewers understand that debate. There have been a lot of stories about MLK Jr. Drive over the past year, but none have delved into the debate over the Drive’s future the way this one has.

And since you’re here, be sure to read my op/ed for the Philadelphia Inquirer about MLK Drive.

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