Take Action!

In December we published a blog post that highlighted a bill that would require owners of low-speed e-bikes and e-scooters to buy liability insurance and register their personal conveyance with the Motor Vehicle Commission. That bill was re-introduced in the current 2024-2025 Legislative session as S2292 in the Senate and A3359 in the Assembly. If this bill passes it will be the first state to require an $8 annual registration fee and $35,000 liability insurance (we are not aware of insurance carriers who sell this). In addition to the severe consequences for individuals who choose to ride low-speed electric bicycles or electric scooters it is also a slippery slope to requiring insurance and registration for traditional pedal bikes.

The origin of the bill is rooted in a court case that cited a hole in New Jersey’s No-Fault Insurance Liability laws. That hole could be fixed by amending the law to treat low-speed e-bikes and other personal conveyances like standard bicycles (which are classified as Pedestrians).

The big winners of this legislation will be the insurance companies and law firms, while our most vulnerable road users and working cyclists will have to pay a high price. Take action today by telling your State Senator to vote no on S2292.

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