In anticipation of the Senate Transportation Committee’s April 4 hearing on HB140—aka Susan and Emily’s Law / the parking protected bike lane legislation—34 advocacy organizations, clubs and shops from across the state co-signed a letter of support to Senators Langerholc and Flynn, the committee chairs. Read the letter here.

If you want to watch the livestream of the April 4th hearing, click here at 11am

Additionally, the League of American Bicyclists, Pennsylvania Environmental Council, TMA Chester County, TMA Bucks, Central Philadelphia TMA, Greater Valley Forge TMA, and the Pedalcycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee to PennDOT all submitted letters of support to the Committee.

Background on HB140

Currently, the PA Vehicle Code limits cars to be parked within 12” of the curb. The language in the Vehicle Code needs to be clarified in order for PennDOT and municipal jurisdictions in Pennsylvania to use this life saving tool to help keep walkers, bicyclists, and ultimately all micromobility users safe!

Several projects in Pittsburgh, York, Lancaster, Harrisburg and Philadelphia have been put on hold or have had to water down their designs due to the existing legislation. The city councils of both Philadelphia and Pittsburgh have passed resolutions asking the State for more flexibility in bike lane design.  

Representative David Maloney (R-130)’s bill HB140 was introduced in March 2021 and passed 201-0 on March 18, 2021. HB140 is the third House bill to be introduced and passed to address this issue. It’s now time for the Senate to take up this bill and move it forward. All of the organizations who have signed the joint letter of support or submitted their own agree that HB140 needs to be taken up for a vote as soon as possible.


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