Thank you to everyone who took action on PA’s Parking Protected Bike Lane bill!
The response was amazing! Nearly 1000 safety advocates sent 15000 emails to Senate Transportation Committee members.
The Pittsburgh Gazette and Capital Star ran an editorial and op-ed calling for a vote, but unfortunately, the Committee Chair, Senator Langerholc, did not hold a voting meeting this week, which happened to be the last Senate session days in April.
Consequently, we have to sit tight until mid-May. The PA Senate reconvenes May 23, 24, 25th.
We will continue to advocate for the bill to be placed on the next committee voting meeting agenda as it is likely (although not guaranteed) that the Senate Transportation Committee will hold a voting meeting on one of the May session days.
We will let you know what you can do to ask for a vote in mid-May. Look for an action alert about our next tactic.
Thank you for your patience! Together, we will do everything possible to get this bill over the finish line before the General Assembly recesses in late June.
If you already sent an email, thank you!
If not, it’s not too late. Please send your email directly to Senate Transportation Committee members and Senate Leadership.