Editor’s note: This email was sent out to our Protected Bike Lane Action Team this morning.
The year is winding down and, despite our efforts, the Pennsylvania state legislation to make it easier to install protected bike lanes in the Commonwealth has not yet been voted on in the Senate Transportation Committee.
At an event with Families for Safe Streets this past Sunday, State Sen. Larry Farnese, who wrote the senate version of the legislation, called the Transportation Committee “reckless” for sitting on his legislation and not passing the bill — which would make streets safer for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists.
That’s why we’re asking you, again, to call the Senate Transportation Leadership and demand a vote on House Bill 792. As a member of our Protected Bike Lane Action Team, your efforts have been amazing and impactful!
But we’re coming down to the wire. We’ve only got a few days left for this legislation to come up for a vote before the 2019 legislative session comes to an end.
Can you make a couple calls? We’ve set up a page with the names and numbers of the senators to call, and what to say when you do. Follow the instructions below:
Call the Senate Transportation Committee leadership and ask them (politely) to bring up HB792 for a vote at their November 19th meeting!
Call these two Senators on the Transportation Committee:
- Senator Kim Ward, Chair: (717) 787-6063
- Senator John Sabatina, Chair: (717) 787-9608
To KIM WARD, say this: “Hello. My name is ______ and I’m calling from _______ to ask that Senator Ward please bring House Bill 792 up for a vote when the Transportation Committee reconvenes. This legislation would allow for Parking Protected Bike Lanes and Pedestrian Plazas in Pennsylvania cities and towns. HB792 is a technical fix to the Vehicle Code that will allow the flexibility to design safe streets for everyone in Pennsylvania.”
To JOHN SABATINA, say this: “Hello. My name is ______ and I’m calling from _______ to ask that Senator Sabatina to publicly support House Bill 792 when the Transportation Committee reconvenes. This legislation would allow for Parking Protected Bike Lanes and Pedestrian Plazas in Pennsylvania cities and towns. HB792 is a technical fix to the Vehicle Code that will allow the flexibility to design safe streets for everyone in Pennsylvania.”
Thank you.
Randy LoBasso
Policy Manager, Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia
I called. Thanks for the information and the sample statements.