Alex Doty speaks during a City Council resolution in his honor.

Former Bicycle Coalition Executive Director Alex Doty speaks during a City Council resolution in his honor.

Members of Philadelphia City Council read a resolution on Thursday morning honoring former Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia Executive Director Alex Doty for his 13 years of work and advocacy for bicycling in the Greater Philadelphia region.

The resolution was read by Councilpeople Denny O’Brien, Cindy Bass, Blondell Reynolds Brown and Bobby Henon, and spoke of how far Philadelphia came during Doty’s tenure at the Bicycle Coalition. Last month, Doty accepted a position as the new Executive Director of the League of American Bicyclists, based in Washington, D.C.

We were sad to see him go, but are very excited to continue our work with Acting Executive Director Sarah Clark Stuart at the helm.


Councilman Bobby Henon reads the resolution.

Here’s the resolution, in its entirety:

Alex Doty Resolution

During Alex’s remarks, he gave a shout out to the League and those of us on the Bicycle Coalition’s staff.

“It is indeed an honor to be chosen to lead the League of American Bicyclists, the oldest bicycle advocacy organization in the United States,” Doty said, during brief post-resolution remarks. “And I’m very happy to be able to do that and continue to call Philadelphia my home. I think it’s one of the best places to live and bike in the country — granted I don’t have a lot of experience living anywhere else … I was given a lot of kudos for my work here that was really done by the staff of the Bicycle Coalition, and leaving this staff was one of the hardest professional decisions I’ve ever had to make.”


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