Guest blog by Transit Forward Philadelphia Coalition Manager, Connor Descheemaker

Public transit funding in southeastern PA and across the state remains in crisis, but now’s the time to double down in pushing state government to #FundPATransit.

Back in July, the state budget passed – weeks late, yet again – with only a small, one-time “deposit” for public transportation agencies and the promise to “revisit” the issue in the Fall. Well, we’re in October, and there are few signs of a deal brewing between Governor Shapiro and the PA House and Senate.

Remember: if new state funding isn’t approved, SEPTA alone faces service cuts of at least 20%, and fare increases of at least 30%. Certain bus and regional rail lines could cease entirely, while frequencies would worsen across the board.

Now is the time to remind our state government of the impact of public transportation on PA’s mobility, healthcare, accessibility, sustainability, and economy.

Earlier this week, we took a trip to Harrisburg to rally in solidarity with Transport Workers Union 234 and Amalgamated Transit Union workers from across the state to call for a deal to fund public transportation. We were joined by chambers of commerce, AFL-CIO leaders, legislators from both parties, and even Lieutenant Governor Austin Davis.

Will these public displays actually produce a deal? Currently, neither body of the PA legislature has scheduled session days after the election in November, so time and pressure from all sides is of the essence.

To help your advocacy, we have assembled an array of tactics to help you urge your legislators and the governor to actually take action and #FundPATransit:


BONUS: Do you live in the districts of Rep. Martina White, Sen. Frank Farry, Sen. Jarrett Coleman, Rep. Kristin Marcell, Rep. Craig T. Staats, Rep. Shelby Labs, Rep. Joe Hogan, Rep. Kathleen C. Tomlinson, Rep. Craig Williams, Rep. John A. Lawrence, Sen. Tracy Pennycuick, Rep. Donna Scheuren, or Rep. Milou Mackenzie? Then we want you! These legislators represent southeastern Pennsylvanis, and we haven’t heard much from them around transit funding as we face a potential death spiral of service cuts and fare increases. Contact Connor Descheemaker, and let’s arrange a virtual or in-person meeting with their staff or canvassing effort in their district to remind them that transit funding is essential to the people they serve.

The situation is dire, and we need your help! Philadelphia and all of PA need more transit funding ASAP and we can make it happen together.


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