City Council is back in session after summer recess on Thursday September 5th. There are two in-person opportunities to testify for public comment that we are participating in. 

  1. Whole City Council Meeting: September 5th, 9:15am-12pm
  2. Streets and Services Committee Meeting: September 17th, 10am-1pm

Public Testimony happens at the end of the City Council meeting. I would suggest arriving at City Hall between 10:30 am and 11am for 9/5 and between 11 am and 11:30am for 9/17. This guide will also be live updated here. If you have any questions, please reach out to

Sign up here on this google form so we can track how many people will testify. 


Step 1: Sign up to testify: 

Speakers interested in making public testimony should call 215-686-2796 or email by 3pm on the day prior to the public testimony session at which they wish to speak and submit the following information:

  • Full name
  • Callback telephone number where you can be reached
  • Identify what you’d like to speak about: Vision Zero and Traffic Calming

There will be a bill number for 9/17, when we know it we will alert everyone to mention it in your emails/calls.

Send an Email to Donald Tippett or Call 215-686-2796 for the 9/5 Public Comment

Send an Email to Jawad Pullin or Call 215-686-3442 x 14737 for the 9/17 Streets and Services Committee meeting

Sample Email:

Subj: Public Testimony for City Council on 9/5 OR the Streets and Services Committee on 9/17

Hello my name is FULL NAME. And I would like to testify at the [City Council Hearing on 9/5 OR the Streets and Services Committee meeting 9/17] in regards addressing bicycle infrastructure and safety. I can be reached at PREFERRED PHONE NUMBER.

I look forward to hearing back from you soon regarding my testimonial.

Thank you,


Sample testimony that you can use to prepare your own testimony:

Hi my name is FULL NAME and I live in NEIGHBORHOOD. I am testifying in support of increasing funding for Vision Zero to upgrade the current bicycle lane network to include permanent protection using concrete. 

After another tragic summer of avoidable traffic crashes I am calling on City Council to do your part and restore Vision Zero funding to $2.5 Million in FY25 with the plan to increase funding to $3M in FY26.


  • Since the pandemic, Philadelphia has seen a huge increase in people killed in traffic crashes, an increasing amount being people walking and biking. 
  • In order for the Vision Zero program to be successful, the city needs the funding to prioritize building safe infrastructure. 
  • Enforcement is an important part of Vision Zero but its purpose is to change the behavior of drivers tomorrow where infrastructure can change behavior today. In order to reach 0 traffic fatalities the City needs both enforcement and infrastructure.
  • As a city that was once again rated the most walkable city in the country, our city has a long way to go to ensure our streets are safe for people walking. 
  • [Add your own personal comments]

Thank you to Council President and the rest of Council for your time and attention.


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