Over the past 12 weeks, our dedicated youth have embarked on a journey of growth, skill-building, and camaraderie, culminating in a spectacular celebration this past weekend at the  Sedgley PorterHouse.

We couldn’t have asked for better weather to mark the end of our spring program. The Scavenger Hunt Fun Daybrought together a diverse group of youth athletes, coaches, site support staff, BCGP staff, and proud parents, all united by a shared love for cycling. This year’s scavenger hunt was designed to be a non-competitive adventure, focusing on exploration and discovery rather than competition.

Our young cyclists embarked on a journey across Philadelphia, visiting various iconic locations and landmarks.

After their explorations, everyone reconvened at  the Sedgley PorterHouse for a well-deserved lunch and our much-anticipated awards ceremony. This was a moment to reflect on the many milestones reached and to recognize the outstanding achievements of our youth athletes.

Habib Faye, Program Coordinator, and Lana Harshaw, Program Director, pictured with Jeremy Wu and Diamond Waters, Valedictorians at Multicultural Academy Charter School and WB Saul, respectively.

We celebrated those with perfect attendance, special honors were given to our two valedictorians, Jeremy Wu and DiamondWaters, who demonstrated exemplary leadership and academic prowess.

Habib Faye, Program Coordinator, and Lana Harshaw, Program Director, pictured with BCYC youth with perfect attendance throughout the Spring season!

The highlight of the ceremony was the awarding of $18,000 in scholarships to two deserving youth, a testament to their hard work and potential. 

Coaches Brett Houser and Blake Rubin, who have coached Diamond for the past four years, share some heartfelt stories of their time working with graduating senior Diamond Waters.

We awarded a $12,000 scholarship to Diamond Waters, the Valedictorian of W.B. Saul High School, who is attending Virginia Tech this Fall and will be studying Dairy Science. Diamond has been a part of the BCYC program for four years and we were excited to celebrate with Delores Waters, Diamond’s mom, and coaches, who shared heartwarming words about Diamond’s participation in the program. They discussed Diamond’s journey from not knowing how to ride a bike, to the strong mentorship and leadership skills Diamond displayed, often taking new participants under her wing to show them the ropes of BCYC.

Max Rosen-Long, our Site Support at SLA Beeber and Coach Chris “Crit” Foltz accepted the $6,000 on behalf of Terrel Bundy.

We also awarded Terrel Bundy, who is graduating from SLA Beeber and will be attending Temple University, a $6,000 scholarship for his embodiment of BCYC values and leadership amongst his peers. While he was not in attendance, Max Rosen-Long, SLA Beeber’s site support, shared the impact of having Terrel as a part of the team, along with his quiet, but impactful leadership style, as he was an excellent ambassador of BCYC’s principles.

Newly graduated All Stars received medals,  the custom 2024 BCYC Kit, and posed on the top step of our podium, to celebrate their accomplishments.

Additionally, we proudly graduated 43 youth to All-Star status, moving them up the BCYC Leadership Ladder and setting the stage for their continued success in the sport.

With the spring season behind us, we arethrilled to kick off our All-Star Summer Season. This exciting phase allows our youth to further refine their cycling skills through participation in one of our specialized BCYC summer teams: Race, Tour, and Mountain Biking. Each team offers unique opportunities for growth and adventure, and we can’t wait to see our athletes excel in these new challenges.

Some of our BCYC Coaching Team who worked with our youth athletes across our 10 sites this Spring season!

The success of our spring season, which saw nearly 120 active youth finish the season, wouldn’t have been possible without the unwavering dedication of our BCYC coaching team, site support staff, and program sponsors. Your commitment to fostering healthy habits, leadership, and independence through cycling is inspiring and deeply appreciated.

As we transition into the summer season, we remain committed to our mission of getting more kids on bikes and empowering them through the transformative power of cycling. Thank you to everyone who has played a part in this journey. Here’s to many more miles of growth, adventure, and success!

Stay tuned for more updates and stories from our All-Star Summer Season!

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