BCYC was proud to participate in the Youth Bike Summit, sending two enthusiastic youth representatives: Daamir and Mamady from the Youth Advisory Council (YAC). This annual event, which brings together young cyclists from across the country, is a platform for learning, networking, and celebrating the vibrant cycling community. Our representatives fully immersed themselves in the summit’s activities, gaining valuable insights and experiences that will help shape their future contributions to BCYC and beyond.

The summit kicked off with an engaging opening panel, setting the tone for the days ahead. Daamir and Mamady attended several workshops, each designed to inspire and educate young cyclists. Among the many highlights was a unique bike and boat workshop. This session combined the thrill of cycling with the tranquility of canoeing. Another standout workshop focused on creative upcycling, where attendees learned to make bow ties and belts from recycled tires and inner tubes, blending sustainability with creativity.

Reflecting on his experience, Daamir shared, “I really enjoyed the Youth Bike Summit. It was interesting seeing all those kids from all around the country and getting to ride with them. We got to ride different bikes and even got out in the water with everyone canoeing. Although I am not the most social person, I enjoyed making friends with the few people I got to meet.” His sentiments capture the essence of the summit: fostering connections through shared passions.

Mamady echoed Daamir’s enthusiasm, adding, “The Youth Bike Summit provided me with great new experiences. In particular, I enjoyed playing Jeopardy and the biking and boating workshop.” These activities not only offered fun and engagement but also emphasized the diverse ways in which cycling can intersect with other interests and skills.

Throughout the summit, Daamir and Mamady delved into the significance of youth being actively connected to their communities. The workshops and discussions repeatedly highlighted that true change comes from building genuine connections with people.

The event was an inspiring experience for Daamir and Mamady, equipping them with new knowledge, friendships, and a renewed sense of purpose. By participating in the Youth Bike Summit, we provide our young members with opportunities to grow, learn, and lead. We look forward to seeing how Daamir and Mamady will apply their newfound insights and continue to inspire their peers.

Stay tuned for more updates from BCYC as we continue to pedal forward, building a stronger community one ride at a time.

Now through September 6th, Piscitello Law will match all donations up to $5,000 in order to properly outfit Coalition youth athletes with bikes and helmets. That means your donation of $10 becomes $20, $50 becomes $100, $500 becomes $1,000. Most importantly, your tax deductible gift means more youth in more schools on more bicycles.

Donate today to double your impact!

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