Today, two major things happened to move forward the parking protected bike lane legislation.
1. The Senate Transportation Committee unanimously passed HB 1283 without adding any amendments. This has been the sticking point each session. The bill has now been sent to the full Senate for a vote.
2. The full House passed SB 1147 (201-1) and sent the bill to the Senate for concurrence. SB 1147 is a motorcycle safety bill introduced by Sen. Bartolotta (R) that was amended to include the language of HB 1283.
So what happens now? The House and Senate are scheduled to come back on Monday October 21st, so that would be the earliest either HB 1283 or SB 1147 can be voted on. Until then, we are asking individuals to reach out to members of leadership from both chambers. If you represent an organization you can sign on in support here, we will send this letter the morning of October 21st.
We are asking individuals to call members of the Senate and House Leadership.
Hi my name is _____ and I live in ____, I’m calling in support of HB 1283: parking protected bike lanes and pedestrian plazas and SB 1147: motorcycle safety inspections and the amended language including parking protected bike lanes. These bills are important to me because ____. It’s common sense and would give municipalities all across the state the choice to build safe, affordable, and high quality bike infrastructure. I’m asking [Senator/Representative]____ to prioritize safety and pass either HB 1283 or SB 1147. Thank you.
Kim Ward – (717) 787-6063
Joe Pittman – (717) 787-8724
Joanna McClinton – (717) 772-9850
Matt Bradford- (717) 772-2572
Please pass on these actions to your networks!
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