As the summer draws to a close, we can’t help but reflect on the incredible journey our youth cyclists have taken over the past eight weeks in the BCYC Summer All-Star Program. This season was all about pushing boundaries, building skills, and, most importantly, fostering a strong sense of community among our cyclists. Whether they were navigating the challenges of our Race Team, exploring new routes with the Tour Team, or tackling the rugged terrains with the Mountain Biking Team, each of our participants brought their A-game and showed remarkable progress.

Our final day of practice was a perfect wrap-up to this amazing season. We gathered at Sedgley Porter House, where our youth cyclists had the chance to relax, bond with their peers, and spend some quality time with their coaches. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and camaraderie as we enjoyed pizza and snacks—a well-deserved treat after weeks of hard work. But the highlight of the day was undoubtedly the reflections shared by our dedicated coaches. They spoke from the heart, offering words of wisdom, celebrating the successes of our athletes, and recognizing the growth they’ve seen over the summer. It was a touching moment that truly underscored the supportive and encouraging environment that BCYC strives to create.

We owe a huge debt of gratitude to our coaches, who are, without a doubt, the heart and soul of the BCYC program. Their dedication, passion, and unwavering support have made this season not only possible but deeply impactful for every youth involved. They continue to inspire and empower our young cyclists, helping them not just to become better riders, but better individuals.

Looking forward, we’re excited to keep the momentum going with our upcoming “Roll Wit It” event on September 14th! This is more than just a group ride—it’s a celebration of community and a chance to support the future of youth cycling in Philadelphia. Join us as we ride through the city and enjoy an evening of fun, connection, and good vibes. You can find more details and register here. We can’t wait to see you there!

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