In one of our latest leadership development sessions, BCYC’s Youth Advisory Council (YAC) delved deep into the world of nutrition for athletes. Guided by the expertise of Alex Stoddart, Owner and Coach at Fox Athletics and Program Manager and Coach at Live Like Blaine, the session proved to be an enlightening experience for all five YAC members in attendance.

On working with our youth, Alex said, “working with the Bicycle Coalition and their Youth Advisory Council was a great honor! The students demonstrated curiosity, attentiveness and a strong commitment to improving their performance through strength and nutrition.”

Alex emphasized  the importance of a well-balanced diet for athletes. One of the crucial highlights included a detailed discussion on reading nutrition labels and the significance of prioritizing quality protein, carbohydrate, and fat sources to support the high demand of cycling training.

Insights from YAC Members

Meet Azalea!

Before the session, Azalea’s understanding of carbohydrates was limited to traditional sources like bread. However, the session opened her eyes to healthier alternatives, such as incorporating fruits as a pre-workout carb source.

Azalea shared, “I’ve noticed that I feel better after a ride or a run by eating fruits instead of bread.” The newfound awareness has led her to make healthier food choices, reducing her intake of junk food and feeling more energized throughout the day. Azalea expressed her gratitude, saying, “The nutrition presentation was really inspiring for me because I didn’t realize the actual importance of food before that.”

Meet Daamir!

Daamir entered the conversation with a solid foundation on diet and nutrient intake but lacked a clear direction. The session helped him identify areas for improvement. As a non-meat eater, Daamir acknowledged the importance of focusing on obtaining amino acids for a balanced diet.

He shared, “I learned that as a person who doesn’t eat meat, there is an issue of obtaining amino acids, which is something I didn’t think of.” Additionally, he discovered the need to incorporate more fat-rich foods into his diet and is actively researching options.

Azalea and Daamir are making tangible strides towards healthier living. Azalea shifted to fruits for better energy, while Daamir is actively exploring fat-rich foods. Their commitment echoes BCYC’s mission: thriving youth, both on and off the bike. 

Stay tuned for more updates!

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