Since our last update a lot has happened in Harrisburg! Take a look at our legislative updates below.

Legalize Parking Protected Bike lanes and Pedestrian Plazas- Emily and Susan’s Law (HB 1283)
On Monday, June 5th, HB 1283 was unanimously voted out of the House Transportation Committee then on Tuesday, June 13th it passed 2nd consideration in the House General Assembly. Next it will go to the Appropriations Committee (Chaired by Philadelphia Representative Jordan Harris) before it can be voted out of the House over to the Senate. Read more and stay tuned!

Expand Automated Enforcement Programs (HB 1284)
On Monday, June 12th, HB 1284 was unanimously voted out of the House Transportation Committee with amendment introduced by Representative Joe Hohenstein. The amendment removed language about renewing the Work Zone Enforcement program. We are in support of this program being included in the final iteration of the bill and the choices to remove it was made in hopes fix issues that PennDOT had with the updated language. Rep. Hohenstein noted in his testimony that he also supports adding the language back in at some point in the legislative process. Next up will be a vote in the House Rules Committee before moving on to Appropriations. Read more and stay tuned!

Enable Local Funding Options for Public Transit (HB 1307)
On Monday, June 12th, HB 1307 was introduced into the House Local Government Committee by Representative Joe Hohenstein. We will be joining our friends, Transit Forward Philadelphia, in Harrisburg on June 20th for a press conference in support of this bill and dropping by some offices. Read More. Want to join? Email TFP’s Coalition Manager Connor,

Create “Jay-Alert” system to catch Hit and Run Drivers (SB 730)
On Friday, June 2nd, SB 730 was introduced into the Senate Law and Justice Committee by Senator Anthony Williams. We hope to get more information about the plan for this legislation soon. Read more and stay tuned!

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