Thanks for Signing Up to Take Action

Thanks for signing up to be on call to take action! We’ll be sending out alerts when we need you to call or email your elected officials. We can’t thank you enough for partnering with us to help build support for the legalization of parking protected bike lanes. Your partnership will help transform our streets into safer places to bike.

Look out for more communication from us via email. Thanks again for being on our team!


Bicycling is for everyone.

The Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia believes bicycling should be available to anyone who wants to ride a bicycle. We advocate for better, safer street infrastructure and trails for folks who use a bicycle for commuting, or want to, and a Vision Zero policy for everyone who needs to get around Philadelphia, by any means of transportation.

Vision Zero

Traffic crashes are a public health crisis in Philadelphia.

The goal of Vision Zero is to reduce the number and severity of traffic crashes that occur in Philadelphia each year, with a long term goal of eventually eliminating traffic deaths. Vision Zero is about finding engineering, education and enforcement strategies to bring total traffic deaths and serious injuries down to zero.

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